Arturo Guevara has been a Modern day Robin Hood of Orange County California and Mexico, Helping Non-Profit Organizations for Over 25 Years. He is a Human Rights Advocate. Against Human Trafficking and Domestic Violence by giving his time and art work raising money and awareness for these causes. He is truly an authentic Mexican American Artist. And continues to serve the community with Art and Passion. El Honorable Lou Correa
Guevara’s Art Movement
484 North Gallery Laguna Beach
If you paint Modern Art you are Welcome, Sculptors, Photographers, Musicians join us Sunday June 3 from 10:30 till dawn, in our first fun painting day let’s make Art & Music together
The Arturo Guevara Gallery
Oc Can You Play: Orange County Digital Stories
Four generations of artists bring family spirit to San Juan Day of the…
Guevara’s Exhibit
Guggenheim Gallery
Reception June Saturday 9 from 5:30 to 9:00PM
Art Guevara & Invited Mexican Artist
Guggenheim Gallery reception, at Chapman University .
Art Guevara
The Master Drawing The Kiss
The Kiss #1
The Kiss #2
The Beginning of Life
The Kiss Sculpture
by Nick Hernandez
After Guevara’s Master Drawing
When I started this Master Drawing I didn’t know it was going to turn into 30 paintings and a Sculpture.
After the drawing was finished I just couldn’t stop painting, and then The Beginning of Life Drawing materialize in my head, I want it the Series to have a Center Piece and I was going to get it done, so I sketch, sketch, and sketch until I was satisfied with the drawing.
After that, the decision of making it on color or Black and White, the second choice took over and the results were just too overwhelming.
And now here it is for your enjoyment
See it at the Guggenheim Gallery
At the Chapman University
Orange California June 9
Collect Guevara’s Art
From Originals, Serigraph, Giclees, Photography
And Collectible Post Cards ready to be framed
Visit Art Guevara Facebook and enjoy the albums and Art Samples
Call Guevara At
Art Guevara
(949) 636 2750
E mail
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